I've started researching home births this week.

An independent mid-wife friend of mine has sent me a pro's and cons list too and I'm hoping that people can tell me their stories of either.

Here is a list from the lovely Jane Pros: Familiar environment - midwife with you throughout (numbers permitting) Less need for pain relief (evidenced based) Less likely to have unnecessary intervention therefore more likely to have normal birth.

No separation from partner - you can choose who you have with you Less likely to develop infections More normal birth more likely to lead to successful breastfeeding.

Can hire a pool and have a waterbirth Cons: no epidural (could also be a pro depending how you look at it)!

Any complication/deviation from the norm that develops would need a transfer during labour into hospital.

Pain relief available is Pethidine and/or gas and air.

Look at this old website of Jane's www.homebirths.net and read some of the stories there of women who used our midwifery service and what they say about birthing at home. A couple of the women on there had hospital transfers/births and still felt positive about it

I'll be updating this particular blog throughout the weeks as my research gets more informative!