Sian Berry says an election win for the Greens in Brighton would also be a win for the rest of the country.

The MP hopeful said that the Greens' policies would be the “strongest for the environment” as she hopes to edge out Tom Gray to hold Brighton Pavilion for her party.

It comes as environmental campaigners Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth said that the party’s stance on issues they are concerned about is “near perfect”.

According to the campaigners, the Green Party presents a “clear and obvious choice” for voters concerned about the climate.

Ms Berry, who is looking to take over from Caroline Lucas as MP, said: “It is great to see confirmation that leading environmentalists have assessed Green policies as the strongest for the environment, with a near-perfect rating.

“People here remember the U-turn on Labour’s £28 billion of climate investment, and people want to prevent more of this, which is why they are voting Green here.

“Every single Green MP elected on 4 July is a double win because it means the Labour government will be pushed to be bolder and better not just on the environment, but all other issues, in a way that another Labour MP will simply not be allowed to do.”

The backing from Greenpeace comes after leading green voice Dale Vince backed Tom Gray and Labour over Sian Berry in the constituency.

The Ecotricity founder said the election was “probably the most vital opportunity we have to deliver a green government”.

Brighton Pavilion is expected to be a two-way fight between the Green Party and Labour but other parties including the Conservatives and Lib Dems.

Also standing in the constituency is AI Steve, who is aiming to become the country’s first Artificial Intelligence-powered MP, and candidates from the Social Democratic Party and the Monster Raving Loony Party.

Brighton, Sussex and the country goes to the polls on July 4.