Unusual artwork featuring the prime minister and penguins in a rubber dinghy has appeared on a beach.

A cut-out of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, penguins wearing life jackets and an inflatable boat were installed on Hastings Beach.

The cut-out of the prime minister shows him holding up a bag with the word ‘NIMBY’ on it, an acronym for ‘not in my back yard’.

There is also a signpost with directions to Heathrow, Rwanda, Gatwick, and Antarctica.

Hastings Pier shared the image on Facebook after it was put up last week.

The Argus: The artwork on Hastings BeachThe artwork on Hastings Beach (Image: Hastings Pier)

People expressed their opinions on the strange new addition to the beach on Facebook.

Kaylas Kay Cheetham said: “Who’s responsible for this - absolutely genius.”

Fraser Neli said: “Brilliant, could be Banksy.”

Christine Rogowska said: “The quicker we get rid of Nimby Sunak, the better, send him to Rwanda.”

A spokesman for Hastings Pier said: “We have seen some incredible artwork pop up around the beach over the years, and this is the latest.”

It’s currently unknown who created this artwork.