Originally from Paris, Carole is the owner of The Language Guru in Hove, a language school specialising in one-to-one, group or Skype tuition in French, Spanish and English.

What is your favourite place in Sussex?

Newick, a small village just outside Lewes. It was the place I visited when I came to England the first time (when I was 14 years old!). We were visiting my uncle and my aunt. There was something about the place and the people which made it feel like it was my home.

What do you love most about Sussex?

The city vibe of Brighton and Hove. I actually fell in love with it a very long time ago and I still feel the same. I love everything about it – the diversity, the people, the architecture, the different areas, the seafront, the pier, the Lanes, and the laid-back feel about it all.

Advice for yourself at 12?

Get ready to explore the world, broaden your horizons, get out there, travel as much as you can, meet new people and cultures.

What is your most valued possession?

Bedroom furniture hand-made by my father who was a carpenter.

What is your biggest regret?

I wish I had been able to travel for longer than my one and a bit year “gap year”.

What is your biggest fear?

To die not having made the most of what life had to offer.

What is your proudest achievement?

Setting up The Language Guru. It wasn’t something I dreamt of all my life or had planned when I was younger but everything came into place in the last ten years and it was the natural thing to do. It was like I was lost before then found my place in life. It is what I was supposed to do.

Which five people (living or dead) would you invite to your fantasy dinner party?

Ah, this is a difficult one as there are so many but in order to mix the crowd and have plenty of interesting and fascinating subjects to talk about I would invite

Nelson Mandela, for obvious reasons, Marie Curie, Nobel Prize winner in both chemistry and physics, then Brian Cox, as he made me understand more about the universe.

My grandma Mémé Germaine who would keep order at the table and make sure everybody gives the food the attention it deserves, and finally Denzel Washington just because he is rather gorgeous!