Animal lover Stacey McSpirit doesn’t take holidays.

Nor does she have days off.

She doesn’t buy fancy clothes or go to posh restaurants or even manage to pay herself.

The 73-year-old runs the Paws Animal Sanctuary in Findon – and that’s her life.

She said: “It’s tough. We are busier than ever but we do our best.

“We are inundated with animals. Some people just leave them at the gates.

“It is a 24/7 job 365 days a year. The phone will ring in the middle of the night sometimes. It’s hard but you’ve got to do it.”

Despite her incredible efforts, and that of her co-worker Sheila Steere, the number of animals dumped on her always exceeds the number she rehomes.

She relies solely on fundraising and donations, which during tough financial times is difficult.


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She is no stranger at The Argus and her passion, dedication and hard work should be an inspiration to us all.

However, she rarely gets the recognition she deserves.

She added: “We are permanently exhausted. Both of us are getting old and feeble, but determined not to give up.”

Back in Brighton and Hove that same passion and dedication from the women at the Survivors’ Network provides a vital outreach for rape and sexual abuse victims.

Following the Jimmy Savile revelations last October, the service has seen a huge spike in calls.

A spokeswoman for the group said: “We support women whether they decide to report it to the police or not and offer a variety of services to suit individual needs.

“It is reassuring to know that more people are starting to feel that they will be believed, which is another step closer to removing the shame and secrecy that surrounds sexual abuse.”

This award is sponsored by Legal & General.


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