The number of people falling seriously ill because they are drinking too much is on the rise.

Hospitals across Sussex are admitting a growing number of patients who need treatment for health problems directly caused by drink.

Illnesses mainly include liver disease, strokes and high blood pressure.

Health bosses say cases do not just involve people who are known alcoholics but also those who have built up a dangerous habit of having a drink every night with their meal.

The long-term drinking builds up over time to create problems without people realising it and is affecting those in both wealthy and more deprived areas.

Having easily-available cheap alcohol 24 hours a day and a general rise in stress and anxiety linked to the country’s financial crisis are also believed to be contributing.

The latest figures show the number of alcohol-specific admissions across the county has risen by more than 15% over the last three years.

People in Brighton and Hove needing hospital treatment for alcohol specific illnesses rose from 2,291 in 2008/09 to 2,547 in 2011/12 while in West Sussex it rose from 2,935 to 3,672. In East Sussex it rose from 2,185 to 2,340.

Drinking more

A spokeswoman for NHS Sussex said the figures were concerning but not surprising.

She said: “We know that more people, both adults and children, are drinking more that they should. Nearly a quarter of all adults in the county are exceeding the recommended limits every week.

“It is this type of drinking behaviour that is leading to more and more people being admitted to hospital as a result of an alcohol-related injury or an alcohol-related disease.

“This year we have been investing in increasing the amount of support available at our major hospitals.

“For example, in West Sussex there are now dedicated alcohol workers who can give advice to people who come into hospital and make sure they get the right support when they leave.

“We also need drinking behaviour to change as well. Many people don’t realise the harm they are doing to themselves by drinking too much.”

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